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स्थानीय तह संस्थागत क्षमता स्वमूल्याङ्कन कार्यविधि, २०७७

The Local Government Institutional Self- Assessment (LISA) is a tool to identify capacity development needs of Gaunpalikas that will contribute to institutionalise and sustainably manage the recovery benefits by strengthening the planning process besides other aspects of governance. 

After restructuring the governance system from unitary to federal with substantial power and resources to local level, web based Local Government Institutional Capacity Self-Assessment (LISA) system has been introduced as an innovative tool to track the performance of local governments in Nepal. The LISA intends to improve local governance which can be considered as a public sector innovation following the global trend of ICT development and e-governance. The incentive mechanism and institutional readiness are the crucial components to internalize the new system in any organization. The study illustrates that these components are poorly addressed in LISA which challenges the sustainability of the system. Moreover, the analysis shows that the issues of legal ground of the system, rewarding mechanism, IT infrastructures and IT friendly human resources at local level, quality assurance and data security, etc. are not adequately addressed to fully implement the system in future. Furthermore, capacity development and technical backstopping to the local governments are essential to make the system successful in tracking the performance of local levels. In this regard, this article presents a case of web-based institutional performance assessment system implemented at the local level governance.

The LISA provides a broader perspective of the performance of all the local governments in a single dashboard. This platform provides an opportunity to bench mark the local governments from the notion of comprehensive dimensions. The system analyses strengths and weaknesses of the particular local government. The preamble of the LISA guideline 2020 states that the main objective of LISA is to assess organizational strengths and weaknesses, increase competitiveness and develop capable and effective local governments. This tool provides a check-list to the local governments through which they can evaluate different components of the local government’s functions, including governance systems and procedures, administrative mechanisms, as well as fiscal systems and service delivery systems. Assessment also helps to monitor the progress and identify priority areas which inform the local government to carry out institutional development strategy.

The assessment is web-based controlled from the central level. Participatory approach of assessment has been applied, which ensures rigorous discussion among employees and elected representatives. It should be carried out in an annual basis by the local governments. The result of LISA should be approved by board of executives and endorsed by the local assembly and made published. There is the provision of quality assurance to be administrated from Federal Government.

There are 100 indicators from ten different broad areas including: Governance, Organization and Administration, Annual Planning and Budgeting, Financial Management, Service Delivery Mechanism, Judicial work performance, Physical Infrastructure Development, Gender Equity and Social Inclusion, Environment Protection and Disaster Management, Coordination and Collaboration (MoFAGA, 2020). The indicators are classified as result indicators (45 percent), process indicators (35 percent), and overall scenario indicators (20 percent). Each indicator carries one mark.

The assessment process passes through the given steps: (1) Orientation on LISA concept and procedures to LG officials, (2)Assign a focal person,(3) Assessment of all Divisions/Sections/Units, (4) Compilation of all the initial assessments, (5) Discussion, review and approval of result by municipal executive, (6) Disclosure of the assessment report, (7) Reporting to District Coordination Committee (DDC), Office of the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers (OCMCM) and Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MoFAGA), and (8) Discussion and endorsement by Local Assembly. The local governments are responsible to ensure power supply, internet connectivity, and IT equipments required to make the system functional.

This system was designed from within the government at federal level. Being a liaison as well as responsible for capacity development of local governments, MoFAGA has taken the lead role to design this system. The system was designed in broad consultation with different stakeholders and was piloted in selected local governments to check its practicality, reliability and appropriateness in ground reality.



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